Howdy Friends!
I have missed updating you here! It has been an around the clock type of few months. At our September podcast recording, my husband and I were discussing how fast this year has been. We are half way through September and before we know it we are entering a new year! In the midst of this pandemic counting days have never been vital as it is. Each day is God's gift to humanity- to behold Him, His goodness, His mercies, His people and His workings in our midst. This pandemic confirms that life does come with its many challenges that many of us are not fully equipped to navigate successfully. Last month I had the honor along with ten other terrific speakers to be on the upcoming season two of the SpeakUp show that airs on Amazon Prime. The message is a healing balm for where we are right now amidst this pandemic from what God did in my own life years back. For many people, 2020 has been a traumatic year. The way we are responding to this pandemic or other traumatic situations can either propel us to a strong thriving life fueled by the Holy Spirit or keep us stuck in a destructive cyclic mindset. When God created humans, He gave us a beauty as living things to have the ability to self repair. Humans are intricate beings with superhero powers when it comes to the body healing itself. When the body experiences a cut or wound like the skin, the body is able to heal itself through repair and regeneration. Isn't our God Great to have created humans this way? Think for a second, there is a mechanism for the human body to heal itself. How about the human soul, emotion, heart or spirit? Is there a mechanism for these inner parts of humans to heal when wounded or cut? God's Word is full of answers! Find out on my episode of the SpeakUp show on Amazon Prime. Elated for you to hear, believe and obey the healing response and other life transforming messages from other speakers. I have the assurance that once you taste and experience the deep abiding joy that comes from the healing response of the soul, you too will be an ambassador of healing to others through agape love because God always gives a crown of beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61: 3). Check back for airing information. Until next post friends, stay safe and healthy. Love & Blessings!!! “A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22). Comments are closed.
Dr. Feyi ObamehintiDaughter of the King, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Mentor, & Educator who is enjoying the Blessed Life in Christ Jesus. Categories