Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed (Dr. Feyi Obamehinti) to provide another commentary in a series. Access all the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show Network commentaries by Dr. Feyi Obamehinti on the Daily Telegraph here.
Quote: “Being the same person no matter where, who, when or what in private and public is the foundation of integrity” – Dr. Feyi Obamehinti Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. It doesn’t matter which side you subscribe to in the thought about whether leaders are made or born. Point in view is that made or born, leaders have a role to play in the development of key traits that help leverage their leadership, influence and legacy. Integrity is one of these key traits. Integrity is this one-ness of a person that shows up the same no matter where. It’s an undivided person. What are the three ways to develop this important character trait of integrity? Listen to the entire interview. Dr. Feyi Obamehinti A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: Contact USABR Speakers about the availability of Dr. Feyi Obamehinti for media interviews and speaking engagements by emailing [email protected] If you’re traveling for work or to attend a conference, it can be challenging to find time for self-care and prioritizing your health in the midst of a demanding schedule. However, you still need to make time for exercise, whether it's between conference meetings or at a certain time each day. Here are some things you can do to make traveling while working easier, courtesy of the Wellness Project.
Staying Organized on the Road Building up a routine and staying organized are two of the most helpful things you can do when you're traveling for work. Establish a routine, such as getting up at a certain time and eating meals at particular times during the day, to minimize jet lag, fatigue, disorientation in new locations, and other issues you could run into. With your routine, focus on organization. Always pack your items in the same place, and consider using a filing system to keep your work documents in order. You could even consider taking photographs of your most important documents with your smartphone, so you have them available to you online or offline. You should also add exercise and healthy eating to your routine. Make time for meals at least three times a day, and try to shop for groceries or healthy food whenever you can. If you can't make time for exercise, consider taking the stairs instead of an elevator or jogging between your parked car and a store, for example, to get some extra steps in and burn some calories. Then, when you're done for the day, focus on relaxation. Turn off your devices, get a massage, and relax. Reducing stress is a great way to stay healthy and unwind at the end of the day. Staying Safe as You Travel Staying safe while you travel is a must. If you're going to stay in a hotel, you should choose a reputable brand with good reviews. Avoid staying on the ground level to prevent break-ins, and keep your luggage locked up any time you aren't in your room. When you are in your room, use the deadbolt to make sure others can't come in or push the door open unexpectedly. The Perks of Traveling With Pets Pets, especially dogs, are great for helping you boost your mental and physical health while you're traveling for work. Whether you're a freelancer or solopreneur, your pet can keep you connected and help you meet new people on walks or while you're out and about. When you take your pet with you, you should purchase a few products to keep them safe and sound. Consider purchasing a GPS collar to make sure you can find them if they escape so you have real-time mapping and can track their exact location from your smartphone. Grab some good dog food and toys, plenty of water, and a strong harness to keep them with you, and you'll have a great time with your pet on your trip. Your health has to come first while you travel for work or to attend a conference. It can be a challenge but good organization, stress-reduction techniques, the company of your pet, and dedicating some time to self-care can all make a difference, making you more productive in the long run. Bio: Guest blogger Catherine Workman of Wellness Voyager always wanted to see the world. As soon as she was old enough to travel on her own, she began taking trips to new destinations, far and near. She created Wellness Voyager with some of her travel mates as a place to chronicle her adventures and inspire others to leave their comfort zones and embrace all the world has to offer. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed (Dr. Feyi Obamehinti) to provide another commentary in a series.
Quote: "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith" - Hebrews 13:7 Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. Mr. Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ms. Margaret Thatcher have left us their legacies of excellent transformational leadership. Mandela transformed an entire continent with his example of reconciliation in Africa. Dr. King transformed a nation with his message of non-violence in the pursuit of changes in the United States. Thatcher transformed the why and how of politics of the United Kingdom. These transformational leaders were consensus builders that understood principles. They were great visionaries that saw things beyond their time. They understood the power of the greater good and value of collaboration. With a new year we can glean from their transformational leadership and legacies. A new year comes with changes, improvements and new horizons. Transformational Leaders: 1. Lead by example: transformational leaders don't just talk the talk. They walk the walk. They live the walk. They live the talk. Living out their values through their authenticity, vulnerability and inspiration their influence draws others to transformation. 2. Lead with an open mind: transformational leaders live life with open minds. They understand the power of the mind and how thoughts influence actions. They see the value everyone brings and allow their curiosity to build consensus for the greater good. 3. Lead by principles: transformational leaders live by principles that build character, impact and movement. They allow their lived principles to guide their lives, decisions and choices. Here is our call to action: Leaders, make 2023 a transformational year with your leadership. Lead by example. Lead with an open mind. And lead by godly principles. Bio: A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: Howdy Friends!
The long awaited Bible Study Guide is out! A great labor of love, this Bible Study Guide will take anyone interested in knowing the God of the Bible on a discovery learning. There has never been a time like now, to know the Bible for yourself! In an age of culture wars, discovering what the Bible says is key to every Christian living a purposeful and impactful life that brings honor and glory to God. Discovery is a journey anyone can take to find life's treasures. The Bible is full of time tested wisdom for every area of life. In this treasure packed Bible Study guide, you will discover why the Bible is the living word of God, how to thoroughly study the Bible for yourself, why studying the Bible is beneficial to purposeful living, sample plans to study the Bible and how to assess your growth in your relationship with God. This guide will make a great Christmas and New Year's gift. Get your copy for you a friend or family. Stay tuned for upcoming book signing events. If you would like a book signing in your city, send us an email and let us know. Our amazing marketing team will follow up with you. We can't wait to see you at an upcoming book signing! "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16 ESV Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Feyi Obamehinti to provide another commentary in a series.
“A true leader influences others spiritually only because the Spirit works in and through him to a greater degree than in those he leads.” – John Oswald Sanders Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. Think of these questions that came as a result of this platform-Points of Leadership with Kevin Price: (i) Why do you think we have degenerated so low as humans and Americans dehumanizing each other because of politics? (ii) This heightened caution we have developed about each other in opposing political parties, can we recover from it in this nation? These are great insightful questions for all leaders in every nation and not just here in America. God has these answers. I will attempt to provide some thoughts towards our reflective actionable responses. We know these are times of political unrest- these are dangerous times. People around the world have lost so much due to political persecution. Ask any refugee or asylee from around the world and they will share their stories of bravery and heroism. Like many nations of the world, in the USA, livelihoods are tied to the elephant or donkey connections or opportunities. This should not be the case. We have forgotten that we are the human race and not a party race. We have forgotten that there is a Creator who is in control of all things, including humans. We have forgotten that content of heart and character is the most important thing and not the elephant or donkey affiliations. We cannot overstate the importance and value of content of character, in a time when we are more prone to knowing people based on the elephant or the donkey. If we make this our focal connections, we miss out on getting to know great people for who they are and their purpose in this world. The ingredients of leadership is a call to all leaders to come up higher! We know how critical ingredients are to any good tasting food. In a time of holiday celebrations with so many delicious meals cooked- we know the value of ingredients. The ingredients of leadership is all about serving and leading people to be better and not because of the elephant or the donkey. The ingredients break down the political walls people tend to hide by. It calls leaders higher! It calls leaders to be better! It calls leaders to be emotionally healthy! Ingredients of leadership call us to: (i) Lead with love- a virtue of grace and strength in helping people to be better. Our world is filled with many good definitions of love. However, the Bible has the best definition of love. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 defines love perfectly, “Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]. Leaders, let’s take this challenge and lead like this. (ii) Lead with hope- a virtue of empathy and compassion in empowering people to be better. Hope can only be possible when its anchor is bigger or greater than what humans can muster up. That leaves us with a bigger than life Person, that we can put our hope in- Psalm 147:11 says eloquently, “The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.” Leaders, let’s anchor our hope in what cannot be shaken by the things of the world and lead like that. (iii) Lead with joy- a virtue of simplicity and strength. Joy is an inside job and has little to do with the happenings of the outside. If you have ever been around someone grumpy, you know there is a battle going on inside in addition to the external circumstances. The same is true for someone who is joy-filled, you can see the rays of strength on his or her face in addition to the external circumstances. Joy comes from a heart of gratitude. Joy helps to propel us higher. Leaders, let’s lead with joy. Leaders, let’s lead people no matter what camp (elephant or donkey) they may be, with love, hope and joy! These are virtues that have a lasting effect and impact on people. Dr. Feyi Obamehinti A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Feyi Obamehinti to provide another commentary in a series.
“Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness” – Mother Teresa Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. Currency is a standardization of money in any form, it is used or circulated as a medium of exchange. Currency of leadership is “words.” Though free, words make an impact, be that be negative or positive. Proverbs 18:21 is a blueprint in the benefit of words and currency of leadership. It states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Check out these currency of leadership from some great servant leaders of our time. Rev. Billy Graham,”When wealth is lost, nothing is lost. When health is lost, something is lost. When character is lost, all is lost.” These words were spoken during one of his many crusades. Dr. Martin Luther King, “I have a dream.” These words were part of the speech he gave in Washington in 1963. Dr. Jack Swigert, “Houston we have a problem.” These words were part of the radio communication between Apollo 13 astronauts and Jack Swigert spoke the words. The currency of leadership hinges on three things: (1). What we say: are our words bringing life to others? To a community, church or company? Or are our words bringing death to others? (2). How we say it: leaders understand that how we say something is as important as to what is said, even more importantly. (3). Why we say it: the motives of our words are equally important as to how the words are said and what is said. Be sure and listen to the interview for the entirety of this post. Dr. Feyi Obamehinti A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Feyi Obamehinti to provide another commentary in a series.
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less” – Clive Staples Lewis (C.S. Lewis). Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. Upside Down Pyramid or inverted pyramid is a concept where the team or people served are at the top of the pyramid and the leader or president is at the bottom. The base of the pyramid is narrow and the apex is broad. Upside down pyramid is what we call servant leadership, which is a Bible concept and principle. Taken from the life of Jesus Christ- He did something leaders, pastors, presidents, governors of that day saw as forbidden. He washed the feet of His disciples and then He asked them to go and do the same in their spheres of connections, influence or networks. The concept of servant leadership clashes with the norm of our world culture. The norm of the world is that as the top person or the “big cheese” you can unleash power at every opportunity and mistreat the people you lead. What can we glean or learn from servant leaders? Three key things: 1. Introspection- servant leaders take time to reflect, so they can release stress and reset. Part of this introspection involves meditation and inner alignment with their purpose of serving others. 2. Humility- servant leaders see the people they serve the same; whether it’s their salaried people, hourly people or their volunteers. They understand what C.S. Lewis understood decades ago. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” 3. Add Value- servant leaders add value to everyone they encounter; added value such as a smile, a prayer, an encouragement, assistance, service, bringing out the best or understanding the development paths of those they lead. Leaders- stay upside down serving those you lead! Dr. Feyi Obamehinti A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Feyi Obamehinti to provide another commentary in a series.
“Everything rises and falls on leadership”- Dr. John C. Maxwell Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership. The power of knowing our strengths, weaknesses and benefits of personal development is priceless. The “G” Factor as in Great Leaders! Greatness can be defined as ordinary people achieving or having achieved extraordinary vision, performance or outcome with excellence and level of mastery. Are great leaders born or made? Some traits of great leadership are inherent, yet leadership is a skill set that must be learned, hence developed and honed. We have seen many GOATs in our lifetime. In every industry, field and different aspects of life, we have great leaders that have achieved excellence with distinct levels of mastery. In basketball, we have Michael Jordan, Lebron James and Kobe Bryant. In golf, we have Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. In tennis, we have Roger Federer and Serena Williams. Here are three things master leaders have learned to do well:
They don’t say one thing and do another, hence they are able to build trust in the people they impact. 3. Flexibility- great leaders have the agility to adapt to change. They have done the hard work on their inner life (emotions, will and soul) and have mastered how to live life from the inside out and not the other way around. They have the competency to be flexible. Great leaders live by my favorite life slogan, “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken” Dr. Feyi Obamehinti A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Feyi Obamehinti to provide another commentary in a series.
“You can do what I cannot do, and I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things” – Mother Theresa Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership. The power of knowing our strengths, weaknesses and benefits of personal development is priceless. 1. Strengths: Every human is wired with God created strength for who and what he/she is created for. Knowing what your strengths are as a leader, helps you to flow in who you were created to be. 2. Weaknesses: Every human has weaknesses. Don’t believe the hype that only certain groups of people have weaknesses. Every single human being has both strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what your weaknesses are, helps your personal development journey. 3. Personal Development: What great leaders have learned to do well, is reduce the impact of their weaknesses on their leadership by embarking on a personal development journey to enhance their strengths. This personal development can be building faith, building character and managing time well. Dr. Feyi Obamehinti A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: Repost From The Price of Business Show with Kevin Price
Quote: “Anyone who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his or her back on the crowd” – Max Lucado Daring leadership is all about boldness to tune out all forms of distractions in order to maximize our leadership to better serve the people we are called to lead. A symphony conductor is a great example of a daring leader that has learned to do the following three things very well: 1. A daring leader leads with love; sacrificing to serve those he or she is called to lead. 2. A daring leader leads with passion; with a strong feel of care for those he or she is called to lead. 3. A daring leader leads with purpose; be that a short or long term impact. Distractions look different for leaders. The key thing is to recognize what distractions need to be tuned out in order to better serve those you have been called to lead. Now, go be a daring leader! Dr. Feyi Obamehinti’s bio: A wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc., co-host of Oasis Connection TV, Oasis of Hope Podcast and encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project. To learn more visit: |
Dr. Feyi ObamehintiDaughter of the King, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Mentor, & Educator who is enjoying the Blessed Life in Christ Jesus. Categories